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Monday, 8 September 2014
COOP by Trelise Cooper show at NZFW this year - One of my favourite looks
I've always heard things about NZFW, some are pleasant, some aren't. It's always strange for me to hear rumours about this glorious event from people who hasn't even been to it yet, or have never been backstage - so I'll clear things up in this post. I've had my fair share backstage and watching from an audience perspective this year so I think I have enough knowledge to prove some rumours wrong. I'm  judging this solely on NZFW, so I can't possibly have any knowledge on the others. I can't imagine it being too different though. I can understand how some rumours come about, usually because models are so busy during shows that they don't have enough time to chill out and do what they want, so people don't see them doing the things that they would want to see.

Rumour 1: Models aren't fed; they are fed. Do you want me to name all the food they had backstage? Milk bottles, Fruit bursts, pizza, water, Redbull - you name it, it's all there. I think this rumour got out because models are so busy that they don't even have the time to eat, especially if they have multiple shows to walk in, in a row.

Rumour 2: Models don't get paid; False. I've heard this quite a lot and in rare cases, they aren't paid, but from what I heard from models directly, they are definitely paid. Although I know that maybe new faces would do it for free to get experience and exposure - it depends.

Rumour 3: New Zealand fashion isn't amazing; dayum, maybe you need to get more educated - major talent and beautiful pieces this year. Trend setting, Trish, Kylie, Lucy, Pardon My French, Lela, Kate, Andrea, Annabelle and Stolen, I'm looking at you.

Rumour 4: Models are bitchy and sassy; Whoever says this really needs to stop - maybe some of them are, I wouldn't know but they behaved themselves this year. The models this year at least are friendly, genuine and are truly hilarious, I love the backstage chats because there's so much waiting around and there's nothing else to do but to dance to the music or make jokes. Models are normal people, with a lot better genes than me - I tend to forget that because they're always so professional when it comes to their jobs.

Rumour 5: People at the venue are on their high horse; No one at Fashion Week takes it for granted, maybe some of them, but everyone I've met at Fashion Week is kind and seems genuinely grateful and happy to be there.

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