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Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Turning 20 and worn glasses since 3; Hasn't been pleasant since 17 years ago, but let's thank the universe for the blessing of Kym Ellery. Gracing the planet with talent and sending an eyewear collection my way that speaks to my beat. Demolishing the fear and trauma of opticals all in one swipe with 6 perscription opticals and 14 in total including sunglasses, thank you Ellery. Ran out the next day for a much needed errand; to swap out the unknown branded glasses I've had since 16, for ELLERY 05 and ELLERY 09. Two for one, can't get any better. On the same note; Thank you Kym, Sophie, Marissa and Amber for being killer hosts. // Pictured: ELLERY SUN RX 02, ELLERY 04, ELLERY 03 & Ellery Resort' 17 worn my Gemma Ward.

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