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Wednesday, 21 January 2015
This year has started off with such a high that I'm a little over excited for what's to come throughout the year. Being accepted into university is one exciting thing; I guess this is an official announcement isn't it? I was accepted in the University of Auckland and I plan on double majoring in Marketing and Management - that's if I don't fail my first semester. From taking a wee little NCEA exam to heading onto the heavy university stuff is pretty scary, take into consideration the work load, difficulty of each exam. What scares me the most is how much time I'll have to spare for blogging. At the start of last year, I told myself "I'm sure I won't be able to get into university, what with my lack of knowledge" but the truth of the matter is obvious, you take it step by step but most importantly: believe in yourself. How cliché does that sound? Let me tell you a story without sounding cliché through the whole thing, read on.

When you first head into high school, everyone talks about how hard and difficult it is, how many people drop out as soon as it's legal to. Fast forward 5 years later, here I am graduated from that place I wouldn't call home.

Same applies to university I guess, but more intense. When you first head into high school, everyone talks about how hard and difficult it is. When you first head into university, everyone talks about how hard university is - for example: "University is like riding a bike, and the bike is on fire, and the grounds are on fire, and everything's on fire because you're in hell". People talk about how you're not accepted into the course because the university 'gets it wrong every time' and they talk about how many people drop out during their first semester because they can't handle it, they talk like 'many people' is the whole university's population. This is the first hurdle to get through. Just because someone doesn't have faith in you, it 'doesn't mean you can't'. Believe in yourself, Nicole.

A little like this outfit - everyone always say, "Don't wear black, it sucks in the warmth" but you know what? just because someone says you can't 'doesn't mean you can't'. But if someone tell you you can't drink too much or drive too fast, then you should probably listen to them.

2015 has started off with many exciting things: 1. Travelling to Taiwan and/or Japan 2. Exciting collaborations coming soon on the blog 3. University starting (Dreading a little, but excited for the SushiPac trips after lectures).

And 4. It's not confirmed yet, but I received an email to shoot for a local magazine, you might have heard of it; Britomart's Scenezine. The very place I volunteered for early last year. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this - I guess everything does come full circle.

Sunglasses: ASOS
Shorts: Glassons
Long cardigan: Glassons
Nail colour: Rimmel London

                                    Nicole Ku

1 comment

  1. Exciting about the shoot! GO YOU!! Also uni is super fun. You'll have a hoot because so many people are on the same wave length as you are! Plus you'll have time for blogging! I started my blog the summer before my first year and look at me now. Still blogging 5 years on. WOAH! I started uni 5 years ago?? what
