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Tuesday 16 September 2014
Abercrombie & Fitch ripped jeans // Wildpair boots, unzipped and folded back
Whenever I do these kind of things, I feel like I'm ripping a part of Katherine Lowe out of her (That sounds slightly weird), but then again, I need to reflect on my week or month, acknowledge the goods and the bads. This week/month's Thoughts into Words is pretty much the most exciting one of these series there will ever be, you can see how exciting my life (rolls eyes) is when you read this. One thing I will have to say that isn't included in what I'm about to say below is; that I've met so many wonderful people (online and offline) these past few weeks and they've all been so amazing, it's amazing how many people you can meet outside of your workplace if you just try and give people a chance. I've always been very anti-social, never willing to reach out because I used to be a negative person, blogging has helped me get rid of that - just don't creepily walk up to some stranger on the street and say "Hello", things not might end well.

There are no words for this...
- People who put a white overlay/filter over their photos, some white is okay, but too much to the point where everything is blurred out. No thanks.
- The motivation to open my books and study. I can't seem to wave goodbye to procrastination.
- Exams.
- People around me are getting sick, I'm just getting over mine, please don't cough all over me.
- Instagram identity crises.
- How I can't blog as much during exams.
- People who swallow or chew so loudly, just tone it down a bit will ya? No need to chew with your mouth open. I swear I'm going to be one of those annoying parents where I won't allow loud chewing sounds at the table.
- When I explore my favourite Instagram accounts, brands especially, I see people who clearly don't have any other form of social media, blog or Instagram account with a large following, with low quality photos, comment on their page and say, "If you need a promotor (Is that even a thing?) I'll be happy to promote your products for you". Seriously, we can tell you just want free stuff?
- When people get pissed at you for not meeting their expectations when they didn't even set you any guidelines as to what they expect from you. Goddammit, nothing works out right does it?

Happy thoughts come to mind...
- My friend seems to be genuinely happy about her birthday presents this year (I got her a wax stamp and a special notebook because she loves writing).
- I'm getting a new camera at the end of this year! Better editorials here I come.
- I have enough points (already!) to get into my University course.
- It has been confirmed! I'm going overseas to visit my family at the end of January next year for a month or so. Too excited for this - haven't been back in over 3 years.
- People are actually reading my blog, for the longest time I thought I was writing to myself.
- I hit 2,000 followers on Instagram! (I keep having the urge to say 'Subscribers' because I watch way too many YouTube videos) I don't know how it happened, I'm just a girl who writes on this blog and posts photos. Thank you to each and one of you who come on here, like, or follow me on my blog. I don't really care about my numbers, but it amazes me how people have the slightest interest in what I do.
- Joshua Hall Jewellery is my new obsession. So simple, clean, yet so complimenting to every outfit. I'm especially loving this and this, I pretty much look at them in awe every day. New blog post coming soon.
- Luna & Co - Those shorts are everything. I need one, now, asap please. More details coming soon. Another new blog post coming soon.
- I got my ball dress the other day from ASOS and the only size they had was XXS, I was desperate so I bought it and it fits like a dream.
- I love going onto the '#fbloggers' hashtag to like and comment on people's photos. It gives me a sense of giving contribution, support and love to the blogging community. I love it even more when people reply to my comments because I feel that even one little comment/like can make someone's day, I know it does for me!
- The MacKinven & Co candles smell so delicious, I love it (Coconut & Lime) even more everyday. I haven't burnt it since I got it a few months ago - that's only because the scent gets distributed around the room so nicely, there's no need to light it.

                          Nicole Ku

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