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Friday, 9 May 2014

Before my Term 1 school holidays, I've always had the finger-tingling urge to practice my photography skills on human beings. People. I'll be the first to admit that I really do suck at photographing things that move (Not filming a film, but taking stills as the objects move). One, because it's tough enough that my camera isn't the best (Yeah, I know, you're thinking "Alright, Nicole. Blame the camera then..." but truly, my camera is a DSLR but without a detachable lens) and two, because the object is MOVING, I always need to think about capturing the right moment without making it blurry. Three, because I'm the best at procrastinating and don't really bother to practice much. That's what's tough about editorial photography, folks. Taking photos for Vogue and major magazines is NOT easy, I know the level of 'tough' now.

With these difficulties in mind, knowing that I am able to improve, I wanted to practice as soon as possible and who else to do it than one of my greatest friends, Shanelle. She kindly accepted my invite to take photographs of her, despite the fact that I really am horrible at it. I chose her as my model for the day because of her wonderful features (THOSE CHEEKBONES, WOW) that looked more than photogenic on camera (I thought, maybe she'd make my photography look less horrible than it already is). - I hope I did those features justice. I know that I can improve on so much more, if only... *cough* I had a new camera. 

Take a look at my absolute favourite shots from the photoshoot and what Shanelle is wearing! 

Alright, alright. I know what you're thinking... My makeup skills isn't the best either but this photograph is beautiful. I have a thing for side shots, as you can see. I love the depth it gives to the whole face and makes you think about what the person it thinking but, what makes this truly wonderful is the lighting that's shooting onto her face, highlighting the cheekbones and accentuating the contour of the face.

Shanelle's face has not been altered in any way, maybe a few zits here and there and I don't think she would let me put them up if they were there. 

Shanelle wears - 
Top: Glassons {NZ}
Flannel: Factorie {NZ}

Scroll down for the rest of my favourites!

A new camera is DEFINITELY on my Christmas wish list, but I'm fine with this for now. If I can take great photos with the worst camera in the world, I can do anything, right?

P.S: There are a few VERY, VERY exciting news popping up here VERY soon. Stay tuned or find out more on the exciting news earlier than my blog on my Instagram: @nicrific

Nicole x

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