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Sunday, 16 March 2014
Right... do "professional selfies" even exist? I quite liked the make up I did the other day and decided to use my DSLR camera to take selfies and it worked quite well! You can barely even tell I'm holding the camera. It's either my arms are abnormally long or I'm just too good at this.

I've always wanted to book a model for some professional test shots however I don't think I have the courage to as my camera equipment isn't anything special, maybe in the near future it will happen but for now, I feel like I'll just stick with professional selfies instead of taking up becoming a professional photographer. Besides, by booking models, what will I use the shots for? Take a look at the selfies I took yesterday! (I think it was yesterday? I have the memory of a goldfish)

My dads favourite but everyone else's least favourite
Thinking about something, I don't remember what though (again, I have the memory of a goldfish)
I mean... if you're willing to drive to Britomart drive up to the North Shore and want to book me for some a shoot, I'd be more than happy to take photos of you with minimalistic content but you might want to rethink that.

Nicole x

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