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Tuesday 2 October 2018 Smith & Caughey's
Smith & Caughey's Nicole Ku | Nicrific
When you were younger, people tell you to have a 'signature' fragrance, something for people to remind them of you, something to stick to. Why not do more of that - "Trends come and go, seasons come and go", but what does that even mean? The phrase gets thrown around in a negative connotation, it doesn't always mean what it means on the surface. Trends come and go, but what the individual values and feels isn't something that can be timestamped. The 'business bag' was a trend when C[é]line took number one at helm years ago, hoops were big in the 90s - Yes, trends come and go, but no one says that about a fragrance. Fragrance aside, invest in the pieces that are uniquely you, the ones that cannot be timestamped on your own accord. Invest in the pieces that you'll spend your hourly on something that can be worn for years on end, without looking back and saying "It was a trend". Here I present to you the pieces that should be making your signature, all can be found at Smith & Caughey's. Continue for more. //Photographed by Wono Kim @ W Studio

[THE] Lipstick
Imagine finding the perfect formula, that's this.

[THE] Earrings
Every one needs a statement earring that can be worn everywhere.

[THE] Dress
Camilla & Marc - Yolanda Dress, $540
A dress that doesn't need a bra - Every girl's dream.

[THE] Bag
Something you can throw anything in and takes a lot to scratch.

[THE] Heels
The shoe silhouette that doesn't need to be updated, ever.

[THE] Sunglasses
Statement sunnies that isn't for show; actually protects your eyes.

[THE] Bomber
The perfect merging of not too warm but warm enough.

[THE] Knit
The rib top that can be layered a thousand times under. 

Smith & Caughey's Nicole Ku | Nicrific

Smith & Caughey's Nicole Ku | Nicrific

Smith & Caughey's Nicole Ku | Nicrific

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