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Saturday 18 January 2014
Above features my wonderful window but most importantly, my latest splurge. The 'Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Dim Light' 
Hey everyone, so this is my first blog post. I've decided to put my all into this blog, taking pictures of what I'm passionate about and what I've been up to! It's just a casual blog doing beauty, food and experience reviews here and there. Usually I can't stick to one thing for a long time I truly have a passion for blogging and sharing my day/ideas with the world. This blog is just a place for me to put all my creativity into and I hope I can develop this more as I go along. I don't see anything in particular that I want to get out of blogging yet - probably because of the lack of knowledge I have about the blogging world, but I guess we'll just see where this takes me!

Why is this blog casual? It's because most of my photographs are taken with my phone as... I admit, I'm a little lazy to get my DSLR camera out and because I feel like I'm not going to be carrying around my bulky camera around the whole day (but I'm going to try!)

A few things you should know about me...
  1. I love my dog, literally, to death. You can't split us apart or I'll rip you apart
  2. I live in New Zealand
  3. I have a strange addiction to fashion models
  4. Sometimes I don't even know myself. I get confused with myself in so many ways
  5. I love fairy lights - so basically Christmas is my favourite time of the year
  6. I hate butterflies. I'm scared of them. Take me to a butterfly garden and I will scream and cry
  7. I'm absolutely addicted to Instagram
  8. I'm not a very social person, although I'd love to be - NY RESOLUTION HERE I COME
I really hope you enjoy the next chapter of my life. It starts here! I have a few things lined up, so stay tuned!

Nicole x


  1. i really like your blog so far! its really cute! and your photography is really nice

    1. Thank you!! My photography is taken with my phone cause I'm usually too lazy to take out my bulky DSLR camera
